Rimidi Building and Sustaining an RPM Program at a Community Health Center Webinar

Whether we missed you live, or you want to reinforce your learning, feel free to watch the recording below and unlock valuable insights!

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Matthew, PA-C, MSHI

VP, Clinical Informatics and Enterprise Analytics, TrueCare

Lucienne Ide, MD, PhD

Chief Executive Officer, Rimidi

What to Expect:

  • Review RPM basics, including the current reimbursement landscape for CHCs and what’s proposed in the 2024 Physician Fee Schedule.
  • Uncover what makes an RPM program successful–especially for underserved patient populations.
  • Discover creative ways for CHCs to grow and sustain their RPM programs.

Useful Links:

Rimidi: Time for Better

Tech-driven Clinical Efficiency
Rimidi aggregates patient data from the EHR and connected devices, and works directly within the EHR using SMART on FHIR standards – no additional sign-in needed.

Remote Monitoring & Communication
Armed with a more complete picture of their patients’ health, clinicians are able to offer care across the continuum. Rimidi also enables remote patient-provider communication and prompts clinical action when necessary.

Achieving the Quadruple Aim
Created with a physician’s lens, Rimidi builds on the triple aim of achieving better patient outcomes, lower costs, and improved patient experience by adding the crucial aspect of improved provider satisfaction.

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