There are a lot of acronyms in healthcare, and each of them seems to carry a lot of rules and regulations to keep straight as well. When those acronyms are tied to regulatory programs that affect a provider’s payments, they become even more important to know. MACRA, QPP, and MIPS are just a few of those acronyms that can have a financial impact on your practice. We here at MicroMD thought it would be a good idea to make sure you’re familiar with each of these programs.
In this eBook we’ll look at MACRA, QPP, and MIPS, first examining what brought about the start of these programs before taking a closer look at what each of these programs actually is. From there we’ll look at why these programs were necessary for both patients and providers. Then we’ll look at some of the challenges with these programs and how the programs have changed over the past three years, including how those changes have both benefitted and challenged providers. We’ll finish up by looking at the hopes for the future of these programs and how technology plays a role. Let’s get started.