Continuous UV Light Disinfection for Occupied Spaces

Photobiological Safety for Lamps and Lamp Systems standard and American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH®) TLVs® guidelines for human exposure to UV

Flexible LED solutions for 24-hour occupancy with UV dosage designed to operate below human health exposure limits1

A 4-log reduction against SARS-CoV-2

UVC 365DisInFx Disinfection Puck
The 365DisInFx is ground-breaking technology that leverages decades of UV and LED experience to develop solutions for continuous air disinfection while meeting human exposure standards & guidelines in occupied spaces. Traditionally UVC was only used in unoccupied spaces, but Current’s breakthrough technology allows for use in occupied spaces 24/7
Make an Informed Decision
UV radiation can pose a risk of personal injury. Overexposure can result in damage to eyes and bare skin. To reduce risk of overexposure, equipment must be installed in accordance with site planning and application recommendations.
UV solutions are intended for common high traffic spaces and not recommended for dwellings or home use.
Installation of the devices should be performed by qualified professionals as detailed in Current’s installation guide
To allow for occupancy, Current products comply with IEC 62471 Photobiological Safety for Lamps and Lamp Systems standard and American Conference of American Hygienists (ACGIH®) TLVs®
Current’s UV products are meant to be used in conjunction with other protective measures like manual cleaning and the use of proper PPE. They are not a substitute for other measures and will not eliminate risks completely.
When combining two or more UV solutions, whether from GE Current, a Daintree company and/or other manufacturers, please consult a trained product application representative to ensure the total irradiance (UV dose) does not exceed recommended human exposure limits. To the extent UV solutions are combined, it may affect the deactivation rates. To the extent UV solutions are combined, it may impact inactivation rates.